BJP activist murder; ABVP workers protest outside Minister's house

BJP activist murder; ABVP workers protest outside Minister's house

The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), a large student organisation connected with the RSS, besieged the residence of Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra on Saturday in protest of the murder of BJP worker Praveen Kumar Nettaru. The protesters attempted to break into Jnanendra's home in the Jayamahal area as they demanded his resignation and denounced the "inaction" of the ruling BJP.

To disperse the protests and detain ABVP members, police had to use a baton charge. At the time of the protest, the Home Minister was not at the property, and following the event, the police set up strong security at the residence. Jnanendra responded by saying that the demonstrators had made him see things differently.

In the meantime, according to police sources, the Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai reprimanded the state's intelligence chief B Dayanand and DGP Praveen Sood for failing to get information about a flash protest planned in front of the Home Minister's residence. He also questioned why the police were not more successful in their efforts to solve the murder of the BJP activist, according to sources.

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