Meghalaya: NEIGRIHMS performs pulmonary valve surgery; first of its kind in NorthEast

NEIGRIHMS performs pulmonary valve surgery

Meghalaya: NEIGRIHMS performs pulmonary valve surgery; first of its kind in NorthEast

The North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) Shillong, has accomplished a significant milestone in the field of cardiac surgery by successfully performing an Autologous Right Atrial Appendage (RAA) derived Neo Pulmonary Valve Construction surgery for a patient suffering from Pulmonary Valve Stenosis.  This ground-breaking surgery is the first of its type in India's northeastern region.

Pulmonary valve stenosis is a type of heart valve disease defined by the constriction of the pulmonary valve, which regulates blood flow from the heart's right ventricle to the lungs. The severity of symptoms varies according on the extent of blood flow obstruction. Mild cases may be asymptomatic, although moderate to severe stenosis can induce weariness, shortness of breath (particularly during physical exercise), chest discomfort, and fainting.

To replace a defective pulmonary valve, various procedures have been used, including using the patient's own tissue, donor tissue, or synthetic materials. However, these tactics are frequently short-lived.

Due to its unique features, the newly designed valve using the patient's own right atrial appendage (RAA) displays higher longevity and effectiveness. Because the RAA valve is created from the patient's own tissue, it does not require chemical treatment. It is thin, stretchy, and flexible. Furthermore, because it is living tissue, it has the potential to eliminate the need for future valve replacements.

A multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, and technical staff from the Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS) department performed the difficult surgery. The team was led by Dr. Reuben Lamiaki Kynta, Associate Professor of CTVS, with assistance from Dr. Mercyful Lyngdoh and the CTVS OT staff. Dr. Sunny and his colleagues provided anaesthetic support, while Dr. Amit Malviya, Associate Professor of Cardiology, and his team provided intraoperative cardiology and echocardiography help. Mrinal Mandal, Sr. Perfusionist, and L Dkhar skillfully coordinated perfusion support. The CTVS-ICU and CTVS Ward nursing team provided specialized postoperative cardiac care.

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